Words of Wisdom from O-Sensei

“Iron is full of impurities that weaken it; through forging, it becomes steel and is transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion.”

-Morihei Ueshiba

Friday, October 23, 2009

Seminar with James Nakayama Sensei - Again!

Here are the details for the upcoming seminar hosted by Utah Aikikai:

Friday, December 4th - Sunday, December 6th.

All Classes - $90
Saturday Only - $55
Friday/Saturday (Or Saturday/Sunday) - $75.
*There is a $5 discount if you register before December 1st.*

12/04: 6:00pm-8:00pm
12/05: 10:00am-12:00pm
12/05: 3:00pm-5:00pm
12/06: 10:00am-12:00pm

If you have any other questions, you can call Utah Aikikai at (801) 272-0707, or you can send an e-mail to: mail@utahaiki.com

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Practicing Outside of Club

I've gone through a period of time now when my attendance at club has been sparse. I don't like these kinds of lulls in my attendance because when I come back, I feel I have forgotten so much. The reason for my forgetfulness is, obviously, that I'm not practicing! I'm not going through the motions! I have since come to appreciate the value of practice outside of club. Throughout the past few weeks, I've been running through the footwork of techniques I have on my upcoming test. I find that it's a great opportunity to practice different principles of Aikido. I've been able to go through a technique with a specific principle(such as moving everything at once, weight underside, or maintaining posture) in mind. It's nice to have time when there is nobody else there, as this allows me to have a more clear and focused mind. I would just encourage everyone to try this. Really, it should be done anyway, but try to make a specific effort to practice your techniques at home (or another quiet place). You can learn a lot about what you are doing well, or what just doesn't "feel right." Even weapon katas and suburi can be worked on. I hope you will all have a good experience doing this. At very least, I've become more grateful for our vaulted ceiling (plenty of room to swing a bokken or jo)!

Club News

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Aikido Club Details

Days, Times, and Location: Aikido Club sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. We meet in PE 221 on UVU campus.

Club Dues: As a club at UVU, we are actually required to collect dues. We currently collect $20 per semester in club dues per person. Many dojos outside of UVU run about $40 per month, so this really is a great opportunity to learn Aikido at a great price! Club dues go right into the club fund where they can then be used for equipment for club and other club expenses.

Equipment: Bring a T-Shirt and athletic style pants, such as sweat pants. Those that have a gi are welcome to wear that. We recommend that you not wear shorts.

Testing: As Sensei is an Aikido Association of America certified instructor, he is able to conduct belt promotion tests. This is an awesome opportunity to progress further into Aikido. AAA fees apply (Ex. 7th kyu test fee is $25).

If you have any other questions about the club, please click the "contact me" button found on the right side of this page and send us a message.

Note to those who are not UVU students: The UVU Clubs organization states that we are able to accept non-UVU students into the club. However, at least 75% of our club membership MUST be UVU students. If you would like to join the UVU Aikido Club, prior approval must be obtained from Sensei.