aikitaiso: aiki (blending, uniting one's ki with that of the partner) taiso (exercises): blending exercises, or warm-up exercises.
funakogi undo: fune (small boat) kogi (row) undo (exercise): boat-rowing exercise
shomenuchi ikkyo undo: shomen (front of the head) uchi (hit) ikkyo (first-teaching) undo (exercise): exercise of the basic ikkyo movement from a head strike
zengo undo: zengo (around, forward/back, front/rear) undo (exercise): shomenuchi ikkyo undo done forward, then back
hapo undo irimi: happo (8 directions) undo (exercise) irimi (inwards, enter): shomenuchi ikkyo undo done in 8 directions
udefuri undo: ude (arm) furi (swing) undo (exercise): arm swinging exercise
tenkan undo: tenkan (turning) undo (exercise): turning exercise
soto tenkan: soto (outside) tenkan (turning): outside turning exercise
uchi tenkan: uchi (inside) tenkan (turning): inside turning exercise
hapo undo tenkan: hapo (8 directions) undo (exercise) tenkan (turning): turning in 8 directions exercise
ushirotori undo: ushiro (behind, backwards) dori (grab) undo (exercise): grab from behind exercise (defense against a bearhug)
ushiro tekubitori undo: ushiro (behind, backwards) tekubi (wrist) dori (grab) undo (exercise): wrist grab from behind exercise
ushiro tekubitori koutai undo: ushiro (behind, backwards) tekubi (wrist) dori (grab) koutai (change) undo (exercise): variation on wrist grab from behind exercise