My wife will be the first to admit that I am not merely a geek, but a truly geeky geek.
If a show has explosions, spies, or aliens, it passes the
WATCH IT? test. I am a fan of many things including all things Star Trek-y, old war movies, and Bruce Lee Movies. Last night G4 happen to play
Way of the Dragon. My wife would say that I've seen all of these "kinds of movies" a dozen times, so why not hand over the remote? Not true, but maybe a few a times--so possession of the remote will remain 9/10ths of the law.
What I noticed was in this movie, Bruce Lee literally answers the question: "How can you punch and kick so hard?" Bruce Lee explains you have to do so from the hip. Bing! went the little light in my head. Isn't Sensei always saying the power of the Aikido technique comes from the hip? Isn't the hip kind of physically about where your center of gravity is? Hmmm, perhaps Bruce Lee knew an abiding principle, also prominent in Aikido. I better watch that movie one more time just to be sure. ;-)